Learning and Exploring

Indoor Classroom

the indoor envrionment.mp4

We have an ‘In the Moment Planning’ approach based on the the research and work of Anna Ephgrave. This  approach enables our highly skilled practitioners to seize those teachable moments within the child's play and to have quality interactions. This means we are constantly listening and looking out for occasions when a child shows an interest, so that we can build upon that spark to ignite their curiosity, deepen their knowledge, and extend their learning. We are also influenced by the work of Loris Malaguzzi (Reggio Emilia) and Friedrich Froebel alongside the more recent work of The Curiosity Approach. 

Understanding how young children develop and learn is an important part of our curriculum.

Play is the building block of a child’s intellectual, social, emotional, physical and language skills. A large portion of a child’s day at Hedgehog’s is spent in free uninterrupted play, inside and outside!

'To learn a thing in life and through doing is much more developing, cultivating and strengthening than to learn it merely through the verbal communication of ideas.'

Friedrich Froebel

Every week the children have the opportunity to visit the school library and use other facilities like the large and small hall, for activities like PE and Yoga.

Outdoor Classroom

We also encourage our children’s contact with the natural world and their environment. Being outside allows them to be animated, excited, physical…and noisy! 

Being outside is an integral part of a child's learning, it can massively benefit children's mental and physical health and wellbeing. 

'Spending time outdoors daily helps keep children fit and healthy physically. Encouraging children to run, jump, climb and chase develops good physical fitness, as well as helping aid in critical development such as stability, bone density, and muscle development.'   Early Years Alliance

Our weekly trips to our forest school area provides considerable opportunities for discovery, play and talk, whilst allowing the children to learn about, and from, their world.

We have our own kitchen growing garden where we can grow our own food. We love to grow potatoes and pumpkins! The garden has a special place where we can grow insect attracting plants too.

We can also use the tyre park and the adventure play equipment which are on the school site.

 “There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” 

Alfred Wainwright


Exploring for minibeasts

Den building

Learning Overviews

Nursery Curriculum Overview Spring 2.pdf
Nursery Curriculum Overview Summer 1.pdf