Growing Independent, Curious Minds

We provide childcare from 7:30am - 6:00pm during term time

Welcome to Hedgehog Nursery

Welcome to Hedgehog Nursery at Gorseland Primary School. 

At Hedgehog Nursery we believe that all children deserve an education that allows their natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge. Through our workshop style environment, we value that children learn best through play and freely flowing between the indoor and outdoor environments. 

Our experienced practitioners will provide quality interactions with the children that develop them as confident and capable learners, who enjoy exploring their own ideas and theories. The practitioner will observe, support, discuss, challenge, and extend the children through developing nurturing and supportive relationships with your child and with you.

We want to inspire and develop the ‘Thinkers and the Doers’ of the future, growing independent, curious minds.

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Join our Nursery

If you are interested in your child joining Hedgehog Nursery, please use this form to join our waiting list. Once complete, a member of our Nursery team will be in contact to discuss the next steps and welcome you to our setting.

You can also book a tour of the Nursery in action using the booking calendar.

Who we are

Mrs. Davies

Nursery Lead

Miss Smith

Early Years Practitioner

Miss Ashford

Early Years Practitioner

Miss Ballantyne

Early Years Practitioner

Mrs. Preedy

Early Years Practitioner

Links to Primary School

How is Hedgehog Nursery connected to Gorseland Primary School?

Our Nursery is directly connected to Gorseland Primary School meaning the Nursery has access to all the facilities within the school including the library, computer room, halls, play spaces and the forest area.

How does Hedgehog Nursery benefit from this link?

The Nursery can use the resources throughout the school to enhance the learning and experiences for all children. The connectivity to the main school enable the practitioners to support the transition to 'BIG' school when it is time.

If my child attends Hedgehog Nursery, are they automatically entitled to a place at Gorseland Primary School?

No, all children must apply for a school place via Suffolk County Council who will allocate school places. Attending Hedgehog Nursery does not affect the decision to offer a school place.

Early Years Pupil Premium

EYPP is additional funding a childcare provider can claim for your child. It is an additional £302 per year to spend on enriching your three and four-year-old child’s early education.

How EYPP could help your child

It will help your child to:

How do we ensure the money is spent on your child

When Ofsted inspects your childcare, they will check to see that the early years pupil premium is helping your child to learn and develop and get ready for school.

Find out if you qualify

If you receive one of the following benefits, your childcare provider may be entitled to claim funding for your child.

Early Years Pupil Premium is also paid for a child currently being looked after by the local authority or who has left care through:

What to do next

For more information or if you think you might be eligible, first speak to your childcare provider or school. They will check if they can get the additional funding for your child.

For help finding a funded place search or contact Suffolk Family Information Service:


Phone: 0345 60 800 33